
Welcome to our 40-Day Devotional, "More of Jesus".

Sunday, March 11, 2018

Day 21 - A Brightly Shining Light - More of Jesus Devotional

A Brightly Shining Light
Tad Coit

A year ago, I was evaluating the effect of my Christian walk within the environment of the school where I teach. Many of the other teachers know that I am a Christian and that I work to show kindness and integrity. That is in itself a positive, but does it represent all that I can say and do for Christ within my workplace? Even though I had been involved in prayer groups with other teachers at my school, I had never led another teacher to Christ and most students had little knowledge that my faith was important to me.

Matthew 5:14-15 struck me hard as I reflected on my work environment. “You are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hidden. Nor do they light a lamp and put it under a basket, but on a lamp stand, and it gives light to all who are in the house.” Was my light shining with the brightness that God intended or was it a light that was dimmed from being covered?

Jesus talked much about how He was the light. John 8:12 says, "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me
will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”
Jesus, however, was only with us on earth a short time and we have now been called to be that light. In Jesus’s day, a city was often built upon a hill and was often visible for miles and miles. Was the walk at my school this bright?

I decided this year to take on being the school sponsor for FCA, Fellowship of Christian Athletes. I put up signs in our school clubs area, talked to students who would be potential leaders, talked to families of Christian students, and every Thursday put on the announcements that FCA is meeting in my room.

I have witnessed some unbelievable transformations in the 10-20 students who attend each week. For some of these students, my room has become a safe haven. For some, they have developed confidence and a sense of pride in helping to lead a ministry on campus. A number of students have approached me with problems and questions that they would have never approached me with in the past.

My decision to take on FCA has transformed my classroom place from a place with a somewhat dim light to one that is much brighter. All of us have the opportunity to transform the places in which we step. Some opportunities may be more limited than others but each of us can do more to let our lights shine fully.

Bible Verses: Psalm 27:1, John 1:5, Psalm 119:130 

1. What places in your life are you most tempted to hide your light under a bowl?

2. Read Psalm 27:1. How does this encourage you in those difficult places?

3. What is something that you can do in your life right now that will brighten your light? 

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