
Welcome to our 40-Day Devotional, "More of Jesus".

Sunday, March 4, 2018

Day 14 - The Shepherd's Stories - More of Jesus Devotional

The Shepherd's Stories
Zema Chambers

The best stories keep you hanging on until the last minute. The art of storytelling is sometimes lost in the realm of videos and short clips of conversation, i.e. Facebook, Twitter or YouTube.

On what appears to be Tuesday of the last week of Jesus' life on earth in human form, He had some pretty powerful stories. His followers (and some antagonistic religious leaders) found His stories much less cozy in description than maybe originally anticipated. Jesus flatly exposed the religious leaders of the time saying they "strain out a gnat and swallow a camel!" (Matthew 23:24, NASB) The thought of what it was doing to the believers at this challenging time in their lives must have brought Him angst. Prophets sent with a strong message; they weren't willing to respond. What His face must have said when He looked at them saying, "but you wouldn't listen!" (Matthew 23:37) He had the stories to tell.

What do you think the Facebook posts might have been? "Jesus was on a roll today . . ."

"Kinda bummed . . . buried my talent ... "

"Whatever I did to another human - I did it to God? Wow . . . harsh!"

What would your Twitter message say?

"barely makin' it by. . .#followingGodistough" "simple faith . . . simple life ... #Jesusiseverything" "feeling peaceful with Jesus . . . #notalwayssosimple"

I wonder what Jesus would have texted?
"Tried to warn the flock today . . . they keep getting sucked into lies."
"Some religious nuts - straining at gnats and swallowing camels!"

"Challenged the sheep to stick it out . . . don't give up!" Be inspired by the stories; your stories are being written right now.



What story do you have to tell of Jesus in your life?

What are you doing with your talents? How are you preparing for the future?

How do you experience Jesus with you in the challenging times?

What is your hashtag today? 

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