
Welcome to our 40-Day Devotional, "More of Jesus".

Sunday, March 18, 2018

Day 28 - Miracles - More of Jesus Devotional

Craig Droskin

John 20:29 - “Jesus said to him, “Thomas, because you have seen Me, you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed.”

Jesus’ resurrection is one of many miracles in the Bible, but it is certainly the single most important miracle for us to remember and to believe as followers of Christ. But sometimes believing second-hand accounts of miracles can be difficult. Even the disciple Thomas didn’t believe Christ had come back to life after being told so by other trusted disciples.

Maybe you’re comfortable believing some of the bible, but the more outrageous miracles like Jonah being swallowed by a giant fish made you skeptical like it made me. I can believe a lot of things, but Jonah getting swallowed and surviving after three days and three nights? That’s a tough one. But, isn’t this exactly the magnitude of miracle we might ask God for to help confirm our faith?

What if we were told of a miracle that happened today that was so amazing it could only be an act of God? What if He did something otherwise impossible, on the same scale as Jonah surviving in the belly of a fish? We might say; “That couldn’t have been real, it couldn’t have really happened, or maybe it was a trick or illusion.”

On the flip side, if God gave us a smaller miracle that was easier to swallow we might say, “It was just a coincidence.” In Mathew 16:4 Jesus tells the crowd, “A wicked and adulterous generation seeks after a sign, and no sign shall be given to it except the sign of the prophet Jonah.” I believe this illustrates how Jesus knew big miracles were too extraordinary for most to embrace, and small miracles were too easy to explain away. If our faith isn’t strengthened by the amazing miracles that already happened, what magnitude of miracle could really make us believe?

In the end, the Bible’s miracles have already been told. We can choose to believe or choose not to believe. I used to be a doubting Thomas, but my life as a Christian has been a series of extraordinary miracles compared to my life before I accepted Jesus. So on this day I proclaim, I believe in Jesus Christ, and believe He is amazing and powerful as demonstrated by His work in my life, and by the Bible miracles that I also do believe really happened...

The Red Sea was parted, Jonah was swallowed by a whale, Jesus fed five thousand people with a few fish and a few loaves of bread, He turned water to wine, He raised Lazarus from the dead, and Jesus himself died and rose from the dead. Our God is an awesome God.

Do you, like Thomas, have trouble believing some of the Bible’s miracles?

Could Thomas be a gift to doubters? Is he an imperfect, saved person we can all relate to? 

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