Ordinary Sinners
Zema Chambers
“. . .how could an ordinary sinner do such miraculous
signs?” The religious leaders’ comments were captured by
John (John 9:16b) as they described Jesus. Such is the
comment of those with a doctrine and not an experience.
Jesus was neither ordinary nor was he a sinner. But, what
about you and me?
Sometimes we tell ourselves these very words. I’m just an
ordinary sinner. How could the miraculous happen with
me? While the religious leaders in that time felt they had the
inside track with God, we know they didn’t. In fact, there
were some religious people that were called “whitewashed
The religious people had all the rules. The ordinary sinners
just had mud to cover their eyes and listen to Jesus.
Ordinary sinners have a trust born from a desire to be
whole. They are willing to brave the cutting comments of the
skeptics because they don’t just talk about God, they
experience Him.
The blind man in John 9, had an experience. He was an
ordinary sinner. He was doubted and bullied by the religious
leaders. He was teased and questioned about his experience.
They even went to his parents to get a little more dirt on him
to discredit his credibility to testify to the power of the
miraculous. However, he trusted that Jesus was NOT an
ordinary sinner. He trusted that Jesus was a healer. The
more he was badgered, the more his ire rose until finally he
declared “if this man were not from God, he couldn’t have
done it.” The religious leaders were so infuriated and backed
into a corner that they could only throw out an insult to the
man and lean back on their own religiousness - “Are you
trying to teach us?’ (Can you hear them sputtering?)
We might be ordinary sinners or even blind in areas of our
life, but it is time to let the miraculous happen. Let’s
unabashedly proclaim “I believe in the God of Miracles”!
Where are your blindnesses?
Who are the “whitewashed grave” people who try to put you
in a religious mold keeping you from the miraculous?
How have you experienced the miraculous works of Jesus?
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