Choices – The Door
Zema Chambers
Our politics . . . our friends . . . our schools . . . our church.
We make choices every day. Now of course, choices are what
make us the liberty lovin' people we are! Nobody can tell us
what to do. Consider driving down a one way road going the
wrong way. Most of us wouldn't hang our head out the
window and shout, "Make me go that other way. I dare ya!"
Sometimes we know there are battles we know better than to
fight. Life is full of choices.
How curious it is when those same conditions come in our
walk of faith. We live with very clear "yes and no" situations
all the time. What is it about Jesus that would be different?
Did He say He was "yes and maybe"? How about "I am the
Alpha and the Most of the Time"? Jesus was very clear in
who He is.
Jesus can be known and already has been known by
countless numbers of people through the ages. The Bible
calls them a "great cloud of witnesses" in the book of
Hebrews. Is coming to know Jesus really that clear? Yes!
What about people who say He's too hard and there are just
too many demands? God, in His kindness, ushers us to the
door of salvation on this carpet ride called "grace". It still
stops at Jesus. A choice must be made. Does the person, face
to face with Jesus, really believe? That's where God makes
the determination - not you and me. (I like it that way
actually.) The step to Jesus is a faith venture. Grace gets us
there; the step toward Jesus opens the door. No vast
shopping choices there. No difficult demands about
perfection. “Whosoever will, may come!”
Jesus is waiting. He is the Door through which we walk for
salvation. (John 10:9) I once heard a preacher say, “On one
side over the door it says, "Whosoever will may come!" After
we go through and look back we see, "Chosen from the
foundations of the world!" He always knew we'd come.
Thankfully, we don't have to pick from fifteen different
salvation options. There is only one Lord, one Faith and one
Way. Choose the Door. This is a battle Jesus has already
What irritates you about having only once choice?
How did you come to be convinced you that Jesus is only
When did you decide to open the door to Jesus?
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